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Student Handbook


Dothan City Schools Career and Technical Education (CTE) offers programs that link core academics with careers projected to be in demand for the foreseeable future. Each program provides a rigorous and enriching curriculum and actively involves industry and post-secondary institutions. The goal is to prepare students for both college and/or career, while also providing them with a purpose for continued learning. 

Each CTE program provides hands-on activities that require problem-solving and critical-thinking skills, particularly in mathematics, science, and English.  The program also helps students develop skills currently noted by business and industry as lacking in today’s workforce: teamwork, communication, professionalism, and positive work ethic.

Students completing a CTE program will have the opportunity to earn work-ready credentials that significantly enhance future career options. These credentials also provide an enriched foundation to facilitate advancement in post-secondary studies. Articulated post-secondary credit and/or dual enrollment options are available in a number of the CTE programs.

A unique part of CTE programs is the opportunity to participate in Career Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs). These organizations are co-curricular components of each CTE course. They serve to enhance classroom instruction while helping students develop leadership abilities, expand workplace-readiness skills, and broaden opportunities for personal and professional growth. 

Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs) are key components to strong CTE programs. CTSOs integrate into CTE programs and courses and extend teaching and learning through innovative programs, business and community partnerships and leadership experiences at the school, state and national levels. 

  • CTSOs provide relevant, engaging programs that improve student achievement, reduce dropout rates and help students discover the wide range of career options available. 
  • CTSOs engage the community and local businesses to help students understand global competition and chart effective and efficient pathways through high school and postsecondary education for their personal success. 
  • CTSO programs, such as industry based competitive events and community service, provide students with the opportunity to develop 21st Century Skills focused on creativity, problem solving, teamwork and goal setting. 
  • CTSOs bring relevance to the classroom and prepare students to be college and career ready. The impact that CTSOs make in our state is quite astonishing. We invite you to review this publication to see how Career and Technical Student Organizations are contributing to learning that works in our state.

SkillsUSA is a national student organization serving students who are preparing for careers in technical, skilled, and service organizations.  This organization helps each student to excel by providing additional opportunities that enhance classroom instruction, develop leadership skills and further career development.

Sponsors:   Welding Instructor, Automotive Instructor, Building Construction Instructor, Graphic Arts Instructor, Cosmetology Instructor, Television, Productions Instructor and , 

Students enrolled in the Health Science Cluster enhance their leadership skills through participation in Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA).  This national organization has a two-fold mission to promote career opportunities in the healthcare industry and to enhance the delivery of quality health care to all people.

Sponsors:  Health Science Instructors and Bio-Medical Instructor.

The National FFA Organization (formerly Future Farmers of America) envisions a future in wh​ich all agricultural education students will discover their passion in life and build on that insight to chart the course for their educations, career and personal future.

Future Business Leaders (FBLA) is a nonprofit student organization committed to preparing today’s students for success in business leadership. With over 70 years of developing future business leaders, Alabama FBLA-PBL develops members' leadership potential and business content knowledge, preparing them for college and career. FBLA is an important partner in the success of school-to-work programs, business education curriculums, and student leadership development.

The Technology Student Association fosters personal growth, leadership, and opportunities in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM; members apply and integrate these concepts through co-curricular activities, competitions, and related programs.

The U.S. Army Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC) is one of the largest character development and citizenship programs for youth in the world.  JROTC instills in students in secondary educational institutions the values of citizenship, service to the United States, and personal responsibility, along with a sense of accomplishment.  The JROTC’s mission is “To 

An integral part of the instructional program in Culinary Arts is Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA).  This is the student organization for all pathways within the Hospitality & Tourism cluster.  FCCLA members learn leadership skills, develop critical thinking skills, and gain career preparation through participation in state and national programs, such as community service and competitive events.

All CTE programs offered by Dothan City Schools are Business and Industry Certified (BIC) through a rigorous process of onsite reviews administered by the Alabama State Department of Education.  

Simulated Workplace is in place to assist schools in implementing workplace environmental protocols that align with our workforce requirements, professionalism, attendance and safety. Simulated Workplace has not only enhanced instructional delivery of career education, but has created a more engaged career and technical student. The simulated workplace environment permits students the opportunity to take ownership of their individual performance as it impacts the overall success of their education, while thriving in an authentic workplace culture. Simulated Workplace encourages local business and industry experts to be part of the preparation of students to be college and career ready.  


Students have rights that schools must observe, but they will also understand that personal responsibilities accompany individual rights. Furthermore, the rights of students will be viewed in relationship to the safety and welfare of the majority of students in the schools. Above all, schools will maintain discipline to conduct a quality educational program. Student rights are: 

  • The right to an education. 
  • The right to due process. 
  • The right to free speech and expression. 
  • The right to privacy – property of students (Students shall have privacy of personal possessions unless designated school personnel has probable cause to believe a student possesses any object or material that is prohibited by law or school policy).
  • The right to participate in school programs and activities. 

Student responsibilities are: 

  • to engage in the serious business of learning. 
  • to obey the laws of society and school rules. 
  • to express opinions in a manner which is not offensive, illegal, obscene or inconsistent with the educational goals of the schools. 
  • to avoid illegal and dangerous items. 
  • to adhere to school rules and procedures in order to participate in school programs and activities.


 DTC students will follow the DCS Code of Conduct guidelines for appropriate dress.  Some shops may require special clothing for safety reasons as instructed by each program’s instructor..


The Dothan City School Board recognizes that students carry personal electronic communication devices.  Schools Board Members also recognize that parents provide these devices for their children so they can be in touch in case of emergency. 

School requires a students’ attention. In recent times, personal electronic devices have become a distraction in the classroom and also a source of concern; especially when used to video or take pictures of other students, or bully using electronic methods. 

Please note that in case of extreme emergency, for example, a lockdown situation or active shooter, law enforcement shares that multiple cell phones and calls jam their systems and also false statements of the situation can be shared which often confounds the work of school officials, law enforcement, and emergency services. 

For the above reasons, the following is being proposed: 

The unauthorized use of personal electronic communication devices will not be allowed during school hours. Students are explicitly prohibited from using any type of electronic device to record audio or video segments at any school function or event, or to have the devices turned on during instructional periods. Transportation will allow cell phones on the bus if the phone is on silent or vibrate. Nothing in the policy shall prohibit a teacher or school official from allowing the use of these devices in a productive manner as part of an instructional lesson, approved specialized project, or for specific research with principal’s prior approval per lesson plan. Under extenuating circumstances (health condition of family members, etc.), students may be granted temporary waivers by the local administrators to keep the devices on. Consequences: If a student is guilty of unauthorized use of the device during school hours or school events, the device will be taken and held by the school official. The parent or guardian will be contacted and expected to pick the device up at the school.

Violation of this policy for the second time will result in the seizure of the device and five (5) day Out-of-School Suspension. 

Subsequent violations will result in confiscation of device thirty (30)-day placement at P.A.S.S. Academy. 

Refusal to surrender the device when asked by the school official will be considered a Code of Conduct Class III- Code 399- offense. The student will receive ninety (90) days at PASS Academy as a consequence. Devices emitting notifications / sounds while NOT in use (i.e. in purses and or bookbags) during instructional / class time is considered accidental. However, if device emits notification / sound more than once in the same classroom, or in other classrooms, on the same day, this will be considered a violation of the Personal Communication Electronic Device Policy. Therefore, the above consequences will be issued. 

The distribution or presentation of electronic recordings or video material of students that may be construed as illegal, forms of bullying or harassment, or may cause disruptive activities within the school body, will also result in a Code of Conduct Class III-Code 399- offense, and 90 days at PASS Academy as a consequence. Students guilty of this level of offense for violation of this policy shall also lose their privilege to possess any electronic device on campus for the remainder of the school year, and may be subject to random searches of their possessions to ensure compliance with this prohibition. The board also reserves the right to legally prosecute any student suspected of criminal activity through the inappropriate use of electronic devices. 

The board assumes no responsibility for loss, theft of any personal cell phone or communication devices.


The school day for high school students begins at 8:10 a.m. and ends at 3:10 p.m.  The school year for students is composed of 180 days of instruction.  


For semester classes, only five (5) parent notes will be accepted per semester. Absences beyond five (5) days must be substantiated by a physician’s statement unless excused by the principal. If there is no physician’s statement, the absence may be appealed to a school attendance hearing committee. 

For year-long classes, only ten (10) parent notes will be accepted per year. Absences beyond ten (10) days must be substantiated by a physician’s statement unless excused by the principal. If there is no physician’s statement, the absence may be appealed to a school attendance hearing committee 

Suspensions do not result in assignment to Early Warning Court. All documentation for absences must be received within two school days or the absence will be unexcused. All unexcused absences must be reported to the Safety, Security, and Attendance Department on a weekly basis. All schools must record absences as excused or unexcused. Parental Involvement Specialists and/or School Resource Officers will follow up on subsequent and chronic absences.

Dothan City Schools Secondary Truancy Procedures for Unexcused Absences per Year It’s the Law presented to all students in Code of Conduct and in School Enrollment Packet.


  • 3 rd/4 th Unexcused Absence: School notifies Parent/Guardian and/or Parent/Guardian Conference; Give It’s The Law  
  • 5 th/6 th Unexcused Absence: Issue referral to Houston County Truancy Prevention Project (H.C.T.P.P.) and/or Direct referral to Early Warning Court  
  • Subsequent Unexcused Absences: Complaint and / or referral filed with the Houston County Juvenile Court Services (Referral may result in petition for arrest and prosecuted by the Houston County District Attorney’s Office). Retention Stipulations (9-12)  If a student obtains thirteen (13) or more unexcused.

Student Attendance and Parking Privileges – High School Students

More than 5 total unexcused absences: Revocation of parking permit for one week. 

More than 10 total unexcused absences: Revocation of parking for one semester. 

More than 14 total unexcused absences: Revocation of parking for one full year.

 *In case a student’s parking privilege is revoked, the parking permit fee will be non-refundable. 

Student Attendance and Extracurricular Activities – High School Students 

If a student receives 10 unexcused absences, the student will not be able to participate in the following activities: Athletics, Band, Clubs, Co-op, Field Trips, Homecoming, Prom, Senior Trip. 


A student may be considered tardy when he/she is not in their assigned seat when the tardy bell rings. Excused tardies (ex. approved physician note, principal or designee approval) do not count against perfect attendance. Patterns of tardiness will be addressed on an individual basis. Tardies will start over in the second semester. Also, early checkouts have a negative effect on your child’s success, and will be handled in the same manner as tardies. Parental Involvement Specialists and/or School Resource Officers will follow up on subsequent and chronic tardies. 

Unexcused tardies result in the loss of perfect attendance for exemption privileges and loss of perfect attendance. If your child has checked in late or checked out early, you will see Tardy on the Parent Portal/Attendance. Excused or Unexcused will depend on the reason. 

Consequences for Unexcused Tardies for High School Students  

  • 2nd Tardy: Warning issued to student  
  • 3rd Tardy: One (1) day detention or Saturday School  
  • 4th Tardy: One day In-School Suspension or Saturday School  
  • 5th Tardy: Saturday School  Subsequent Tardies: Additional time added (detention and/or Saturday School) 

*Students tardy 15 minutes to class will be counted absent and must have a written excuse to enter the classroom.

Student Attendance and Parking Privileges – High School Students: 

  • More than 5 total tardies: Revocation of parking permit for one week. 
  • More than 10 total tardies: Revocation of parking for one semester. 
  • More than 14 total tardies: Revocation of parking for one full year. 

*In case a student’s parking privilege is revoked, the parking permit fee will be non-refundable.


You will be furnished with a severe storm and fire evacuation diagram. This diagram must be displayed in an appropriate place in your area. We will have practice drills monthly. You are expected to cover the procedures early in the session. See the Dothan City Schools code of conduct for more details.  In the event the electricity is out, an air horn will be used--using the same codes. 


Fire drills are required by law and are an important safety precaution. Fire drills will be conducted monthly. At the sound of three short rings of the bell and an all call alert, it is essential that everyone obey orders promptly, and clear the building by the prescribed route as quickly as possible. The teacher in each classroom will give the student instructions. Teachers will take attendance books and grade book to evacuation area. 


In case of emergency, students and teachers should go to the area directed by DTC principal or assistant principal. A tornado drill is indicated by one continuous ring of the bell and an all call alert. Teachers will take attendance books and grade book to evacuation area.


There are three types of lockdown procedures. The lockdown procedure will be initiated by announcement of Lockdown, Lockdown.  The instructor and administration will take appropriate actions. BOMB The bomb procedure will be initiated by two short rings and an "all call" alert. Teachers will take attendance and grade books to evacuation area.

Dothan City Schools is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, or disability in its programs and activities.  Dothan City Schools provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. A disability will not bar you from employment if you are able to perform the essential functions of the job for which you apply, with or without reasonable accommodation.  The following people have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies:

Title IX Coordinator                                                         

Debra Wright, Title IX Coordinator

Dothan City Schools

1665 Honeysuckle Rd.

Dothan, AL 36305

504 Coordinator

Alicia Hales, Director of Exceptional Student Services

Dothan City Schools

1665 Honeysuckle Rd.

Dothan, AL 36305